DJ/VJ - TheDigitalKid

Starving Artists CDF resident DJ/VJ and Co-founder, TheDigitalKid has been touching records and blowing up parties for nearly 20 years.

Hailing from the Welsh valleys and now residing in Cardiff, there isn’t a Starving Artist event that he can’t be found spinning the heaviest selections. Starting out as a vinyl house party dj, serato opened up doors and continues to today with the addition of Audio-Visual (VJ) to his signature party-style sets. TheDigitalKid can also be found spinning tracks for Skunkadelic and other touring acts that come to the city.

  • DJ - Audio

    From background music at events and parties, to support duties and MC Live Shows, TheDigitalKid will rock the show. Genres covered - Jazz, Soul, Funk, Hip Hop, Breaks, Drum N Bass and much much more.

  • VJ - Audio Visual

    From live, mixed video sets, to bespoke visual shows, TheDigitalKid provides complete peace of mind for your planned event. From consultation, equipment hire, bespoke animation and video editing to blowing the roof of the set - We have everything to get your AV party started.


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